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Babies in the News

Born on February 7, 2009:
Alec Grigorian (parent Aileen Grigorian, Fairfax)
weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces and was 19.5 inches long 

Born on October 17, 2008:
Gabriella Heitler-Farshi (parent Sandra Farshi, Brentwood)weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces and was 21 inches long








Vital Statistics
Employee Home Loan Rate:
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Retail Deposits as of March 31

YTD Loan Modifications as of March 31st
123 mods

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1,234 sales
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First Fed
Vision Statement

First Federal Bank of California is committed to providing quality community banking by exceeding our clients' expectations in a personalized, relationship-driven environment. Our committment to excellence is based on the Bank's investment in the development of each employee.